Services & Rates

Muscular Therapy

A muscular therapy massage is a relaxing experience that creates an overall sense of well being, decreasing the effects of physical, mental, and emotional stress on the body, including:

  • Deep and specific massage
  • Tension releasing exercises
  • Body care techniques
  • Postural awareness/realignment

Muscular Therapy is an intentional and skillful application of touch by a trained practitioner.  It is a system of treatment and education which includes a series of techniques and exercises designed to break down tension and keep it from returning.

Muscular Therapy is good for:

  • Stress/Tension
  • Chronic pain
  • Acute Injuries
  • Fatigue/Anxiety
  • Musculo-skeletal Dysfunction
  • Athletic Training and Performance
  • Pregnancy/Postpartum

What to Expect:

  • A professional therapeutic massage specifically designed for your physical and/or physiological needs
  • Complete privacy, your safety and modesty are always respected

Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy is a holistic, energy-based system that includes bodywork, diet, exercise, and liefstyle counseling for the purpose of restoring and maintaining proper Energy Flows throughout the body.  Polarity therapy unblocks and recharges the flow of life energy and realigns unbalanced energy.  Manipulation, using light touch and medium and deep pressure, is used to release these energy blockages and restore balance to the body and mind.  Polarity therapy works with the body's energetic system to balance and facilitate healing.  Polarity bodywork creates a deep feeling of relaxation and well being. 


Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the energy system in the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between us. The benefits of Reiki range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain.

In addition, I am also trained and available to pass attunements for all three Reiki degrees, including Reiki Master Teacher.  

Please contact me directly for more information about class offerings.

DISTANCE Polarity and Reiki

Polarity and Reiki Energy Healing Sessions, from a distance!

This type of energy work is deeply intentional and focused.  Our collaborative effort will help you achieve deep relaxation and support on your healing journey.  I include a variety of modalities gathered from years of experience in the energy healing arts, such as polarity therapy, Reiki, crystal layouts, deep clearings, pendulum work, and therapeutic touch.

You can be anywhere to receive energy healing because our connection is intentional and specific.  

It works like this:

  • We set up an appointment time
  • We talk on the phone to check in
  • You lie down somewhere comfortable, breathe, and experience deep relaxation
  • I will be in my office and conduct a session as if you are right there
  • I will address your concerns and focus on the intentions that we've set together
  • At the end of the session we check in again

If you can't come to the office for any reason, you can still get heart centered healing support!

Please contact me to discuss any questions or interest you may have.

Face Toning Rejuvenation Massage

Face Toning Rejuvenation Massage feels absolutely amazing. The face responds very quickly to massage stimulation and the results from this fabulous face toning treatment are many.  Support your desire to look younger and feel refreshed. 

Clients love how incredibly relaxing it feels!

Session Fees

Sessions can be comprised of one modality or a mixture of massage, polarity, reiki and/or face toning rejuvenation massage.  Choose what and how long you want your session to be!

60 minutes         $100

75 minutes         $125

Body Saving Body Mechanics Wkshp


Please contact me for dates and times of current offerings!

Dear Colleague:
If you are anything like me, you love being a massage therapist because you love to help people in this nurturing and satisfying way. This is a rewarding career, but there are times when we experience aches, pains, and boredom, and know we cannot continue this way. Over the past 30 years my experiences have run the gamut of highs and lows. Long ago I realized that how we use our bodies while doing this work can make all the difference in the quality and longevity of being a massage professional.
Introducing: The Body Saving Body Mechanics Workshop!

This workshop is designed to help participants:

  • Develop a deep kinesthetic awareness of proper body mechanics
  • Learn new techniques that emphasize these proper body mechanics and reduce pain and injury
  • Create more enthusiasm for being a massage professional

The benefits of solid and proper body mechanics are many!

  • Create ability to work deeper
  • Prevent injuries (for both client and therapist)
  • Resolve MT's chronic aches and pains associated with doing massage work
  • Facilitate the intuitive connection with client
  • Bring more enjoyment to working
  • Have more energy at the end of the day
  • Prevent burnout
  • Keep you in good shape
  • Create career longevity
  • Enhance the creative flow of the work

I designed this workshop based on many years of experience as a practitioner and massage therapy instructor.
It has been presented many times to numerous groups and individuals. The feedback has been very positive. Many participants have reduced or eliminated their discomfort and increased their enthusiasm!
Contact me directly to sign up for a currently scheduled workshop, or to schedule your own!


My years of experience enable me to help other massage therapy and bodywork professionals in many aspects of their new or existing practice.  I offer professional help and advice on topics ranging from marketing to body mechanic adjustment.

Please inquire about single sessions, or package offerings.